Oh Ruth, I am so sorry. I am thinking of you all. Your words are eloquent and beautiful and serve as a reminder of the fragility of everything. Sending love to you all. Xxx

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Thank you Bel ❤️ you're too kind! You of course know all too well the fragility of things. One way of another it spares no one, does it? Xx

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Unfortunately not, I don’t think anyone gets through unscathed. I guess we have to accept we have very little control over what happens in our lives. So often life seems to pivot when we are on the cusp of other plans xxx

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Yes, it does doesn't it. It's very true. I suppose some would say it's because we're more prone to notice it then, but I think there is something else going on. I don't know what, but some universal force that intends us towards a deeper humility....xx

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Sep 12Liked by Ruth Allen

I am so sorry Ruth! This all sounds very difficult, and it seems at an important point of change in your life, too. How you, or anyone, write so beautifully about a crisis while in it, is a dark miracle to me. I deeply resonate with the psychological yielding part. I am still learning to yield to the things I do want... And yes, I also want to say: congratulations on the book offer, this is great news amidst a terrible time. May it help with the yielding a little bit... Sending love to all of you. xxx

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Thank you Christiane :) ❤️ It will be nice to enjoy the good news again one day soon. Though I feel very far from inspiring thoughts ha! I guess we all just live such busy, full, lives these days that any let up is a bit of a shock. That busyness isn't always a bad thing. It's also a rich and interesting thing and it's very tedious to sit day after day or around a hospital falling into other people's time schedules. It's very sobering. Xx

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Oh, what a heartbreaking and beautiful piece of writing, capturing the fragility of our edifices and securities.

Our lives too, like so many, have been touched by tragedy and suicide, a theme I have been looking at with my therapist locally. And next week we are planning a releasing ritual, involving a heavy stone I have been carrying around, some candles and a nearby stream. I shall think of you...

Sending love 🫂

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Thank you Janey. That ritual sounds like a very profound one and I hope it will bring you some release and peace. I will be grateful to be thought of in that moment, thank you 🪨🩶

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Sep 12Liked by Ruth Allen

I’m so sorry Ruth, what an incredibly difficult time for you. My heart goes out to you all. X

As always, your words are beautiful and soothing, even in the midst of a crisis. My mum was taken in to hospital as an emergency a few months back, and I didn’t handle it well overall I think. I do hope that there will be some path to recovery for your mother-in-law, and some sort of settling of life back to writing for you. Xx

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Thank you Cally. i'm really sorry to hear about your mum. I'm sure you did your best to handle it - I think we try with what we have don't we? - but it's not easy. It brings up a lot when these things happen. It's sobering to realise this is the way life is heading. That old age is coming...xx

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Likewise Ruth, thoughts with you both and the wider family. It shakes everything to the core but you are right, there is a rhythm to these experiences and we enter a different world when they happen. The writing of this piece is raw and beautiful and deeply insightful so I can see how connected to the work you still are. Softly, softly. Sending you love and dreams of deep yellow flowers of late summer to anchor you xxxx

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Thank you Lynne :) it's reassuring to hear I'm still connected even if I don't feel it. Mmmm the deep yellow flowers of late summer...thank you. Xx

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“Yielding is my growing edge”……and mine……weathering as a participative process, comes up for me as I read, Ruth. Rock not being weathered unwillingly by outer forces rather reshaping itself co-creatively with the agents of change. Or something like that 🙏 x

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I like that very much Beverley, thank you. What a gift of insight. Yes, co-creatively. I definitely feel that every one of these moments we re-enter together (particularly with my husband) changes something for the better - weathers us more deeply into a commitment with each other and the weathering world. Or something like that :) xx

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Or something like that ❤️

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So sorry to read this Ruth. Sending you so much love from someone who knows all too well the very noisy cycle of hospital triggers and trying to find rhythm. xx

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Thank you Kirsty, that meant a lot to read last week even though I am slow to reply. xx

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Thank you for writing this -- it's so sad and so full of the fragility of life, and written with generosity and without self-pity. Wonderful last line 'Eat. Fix one problem at a time.'

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Thank you so much Jan. Such generous feedback! And it keeps me ticking over to hear it's still worth writing in these fragile moment xx

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Sep 12Liked by Ruth Allen

Sending you lots of love. Your writing is beautiful and evocative. I love the ethos of taking one thing at a time. Xx

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Thank you Nicola :) it means a lot to hear right now! Xx

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Sorry to read of your mother-in-law’s fall. It really startles us out from the everyday life when something like that happens. It sounds like it won’t be a quick recovery but I hope all can go smoothly with healing and with the healthcare system (the latter can be tricky and frustrating regardless of the country). May you find little moments to write and be in fresh air.

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Thank you Jane :) Startling is the words, yes. I plan to get some fresh air today for sure. Juno is ready for a run in a field and is not accustomed to this lack of movement and variety either. We both need to see a big sky I think! X

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Sep 12Liked by Ruth Allen

Sending you those daily comforts that somehow get us through those times (how do other nations cope without tea?) and healing to your mother in law. Pfff life can be hard.

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Haha I have no idea how anyone copes without tea! Thank you :) xx

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Sending you all the love at this difficult time. x

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Thank you Kate! X

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Ruth, my heart breaks for you! May the Heavens pour out untold blessings on you and your family ❤️

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Thank you Paul, that's really kind of you x

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